Sunday, September 27, 2009

UAS, Comm Daily and Me!


I am really excited this week. Why, do you ask? Well, I would love to tell you.

I was quoted this past week in an article in Wednesday’s Communications Daily (Vol. 29, No. 183). Communications Daily calls itself the nation's preeminent telecommunication industry news source which provides its readers with immediate, accurate and insightful coverage. It is the only publication the FCC buys for each and every of its employees.

I was interviewed by Scott Billquist, their Geneva, Switzerland correspondent. He found me from a press release he found online about an international Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) group that I chair.

The interview was conducted via telephone and several rounds of email. Scott keep his promise of letting me see the quotes he attributed to me before posting his article so I could review and make any corrections.

The article is titled, “Satellite, Airline Interests Divided Over Regulation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems”. Access to sufficient radio frequency spectrum is essential for UAS operations.

As the article explains, the fixed-satellite service operators are concerned that possible allocation action taken at the next World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC) in 2012 to accommodate UAS may affect their business. So stay tuned.

The WRC, which produces a formal treaty regarding spectrum use, meets for four weeks and is attended by nearly two thousand delegates from almost two hundred countries. The conference will take place in Geneva, Switzerland. I have been involved with WRC-95, WRC-97, WRC-2000, WRC-2003, WRC-07 and I am heavily involved in US preparations for WRC-2012.

The entire article can be seen here:

For more information, please see:

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Terminology

Hello again,

Let’s talk a bit about the terminology of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS).

The history of UAS really starts back before World War I. Maybe one day a future post will go that far back into the past. The modern era of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) began in the 1960’s.

I first became involved with them back in the 1980’s when I conducted a frequency band study for the Pioneer program. I remember it was a competition between IAI Corporation and McDonnell Douglas. Pioneer was procured starting in 1985 as an interim capability to provide imagery for tactical commanders on land and at sea. It has now supported every major U.S. contingency operation to date.

Pioneer touching down on the runway

Back then the phrase was Remote Piloted Vehicle (RPV) when the pilot was “in the loop” and had near-real time control of aircraft and flight surfaces via a two way-radio link (including the return telemetry). Most pilot in-the-loop take-off and landing UAS use dual data-links and have low system delays (latencies) since the pilot is actively maneuvering the aircraft in (near) real time.

In the1990’s it became Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) at the urging of the FAA who wanted to include the pilot and emphasize the system aspect of UAS.

This is called pilot “on the loop” and the beginning of automation. Most flight profiles are pre-programmed before take-off. They can be modified in-flight if needed. The pilot can also take over in emergencies.

Pilot on-the-loop systems often only have single-thread LOS data-links and higher delays (latencies) can be tolerated because the pilot is not in real time control of the take-off or landing maneuvers.

What do you call your UAS???????????????????

Back next time.

Please see the links below for more information:

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Greetings and felicitations,

Welcome to my page about Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS).

I have been working on UAS issues for over two years now. I have a quarter of a century experience in radio spectrum and regulatory issues (man that makes me feel old).

Unmanned aircraft Vehicles (UAV) communications and their sensor payloads depend on reliable access to the electromagnetic spectrum. UAV pilots use the electromagnetic spectrum to maintain contact with the aircraft to control its flight and receive information collected by the sensor payloads.

Certain spectrum frequencies are sometimes referred to as bands and the amount of the spectrum needed to permit transmission of information is referred to as bandwidth. More bandwidth is needed to transmit video and other information obtained by sensor payloads than to maintain flight control of the aircraft.

There are many issues related to UAS and spectrum access. I hope to address some of them and other aspects of the exciting world of UAS in the future. See you next week.

Please see the links below for more information: